Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Brighter and mild Friday, cooler weekend with light snow

Temperatures will still be slightly above normal even Sunday

fri hi 6
Forecast highs Friday
NOAA via pivotal weather

Friday will be mild with sunshine. A clipper system brings increased cloud cover and cooler temperatures with some light snow for the weekend.

Mild Friday then cooler this weekend with light snow 

It’s been almost a week since we’ve had a decent amount of sunshine but we should see a fair amount Friday. High temperatures will reflect that with highs near 40 for much of southern and eastern Minnesota. Readings will be cooler in northwest Minnesota. 

fri hi 6
Forecast highs Friday
NOAA via pivotal weather

A weekend clipper system will bring increased cloud cover Saturday and light snow showers moving in from north to south Saturday into early Sunday. 

wknd prec 6
Forecast precipitation 12 a.m. Saturday through 3 p.m. Sunday
College of DuPage Weather

While snowfall amounts will generally be light, up to a couple of inches could fall in portions of northeast Minnesota, making it the most significant snowfall in weeks for some.

Forecast snowfall this weekend
National Weather Service

The clipper system will also drag down some cooler, but not frigid air. Temperatures will still be slightly above normal but likely subfreezing statewide Sunday.

sun hi 6
Forecast highs Sunday
NOAA via pivotal weather

Next week and the first days of 2024 brings more of the same: slightly above normal temperatures and relatively quiet weather.