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Winter weather advisories for northeast and northwest Minnesota

Still relatively mild through midweek next week, then it gets colder

MN snow 6a
Forecast snowfall Friday through early Sunday
National Weather Service

Snow showers will develop and expand over the next 24 hours across most of Minnesota. The heaviest accumulations will be along the North Shore. Temperatures will remain near or above normal. 

Winter weather advisories posted with weekend snow

Winter weather advisories are posted for northwest and northeast Minnesota for Friday into early Sunday for snow and some patchy freezing drizzle initially. Portions of northwest and northeast Minnesota have icy spots due to freezing drizzle Friday morning. 

wx adv 6a 2
Winter weather advisories take effect Friday through early Sunday
NOAA via pivotal weather

Snow showers will develop in northwest Minnesota by midday Friday and spread east Friday afternoon and evening. Those snow showers will expand into central and southern Minnesota Friday night into Saturday. The snow tapers off Saturday night. 

precip 9a
Forecast precipitation 6 a.m. Friday through 1 p.m. Sunday
College of DuPage Weather

We’ll also be milder Friday and Saturday as the system pulls in warmer air. Highs will be in the 30s across southern Minnesota.

fri hi 9
Forecast highs Friday
National Weather Service

Snowfall amounts will be highest along the North Shore and northeast Minnesota with considerably less snowfall as you move south.

MN snow 6a
Forecast snowfall Friday through early Sunday
National Weather Service

More snow chances next week, then it gets colder

We will remain in a more active pattern with another system possible Tuesday and again at the end of the week. Both could bring more snowfall to Minnesota. 

nxt wk precip
Forecast precipitation 6 p.m. Sunday through 1 p.m. next Friday
European Centre for Medium range Weather Forecasting via pivotal weather

Considerably colder air is still on track to arrive by the end of next week into next weekend. Just how cold it gets and for how long still remains a question. Low temperatures by next Saturday morning (Jan. 13) still look to be potentially below zero statewide. These would be the first such readings in the Twin Cities — coming about a month later than normal. 

sat lows 9a
Forecast potential low temperatures early next Saturday (January 13) from different forecast models
NOAA via pivotal weather