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Active week of winter weather continues in Minnesota

Winter storm warnings and winter weather advisories continue in southeast Minnesota

adv 10a
Winter storm warnings and winter weather advisories
National Weather Service

Updated 10:30 a.m.

Snow showers will linger mostly in far southeast Minnesota with lighter snow showers and flurries scattered elsewhere across the state. More snow is possible Wednesday into early Thursday.

Lingering snow with more ahead and cold

Winter storm warnings and winter weather advisories continue in southeast Minnesota. Snow showers will linger for southeast Minnesota into Tuesday and then gradually end west to east by early Wednesday. The rest of the state can expect flurries.

tue prec
Forecast precipitation 5 a.m. through 10 p.m. Tuesday
College of DuPage Weather

Additional snowfall totals Tuesday will be most significant in the southeast corner of the state.

addl snow 10a
Forecast additional snowfall Tuesday
National Weather Service

The snow was most substantial in southwest Minnesota where many areas saw more than a half foot.

SW totals
Snow totals across southwest Minnesota
National Weather Service

You can check out additional snowfall totals here:

regional snowfall totals

It will still be relatively mild Tuesday with highs in the low 30s across southeast Minnesota. 

Forecast highs Tuesday
National Weather Service

Winds will also increase for the southern portions of the state with winds of 20 to 30 mph, gusting to near 40 mph.

gusts TUE
Forecast wind gusts Tuesday
NOAA via pivotal weather

Another system brings yet more snow showers late Wednesday into early Thursday. Then a larger storm system grazes southern Minnesota Friday into Saturday. 

wed-fri 6
Forecast precipitation 12 a.m. Wednesday through 12 a.m. Friday
NOAA via pivotal weather

Additional snowfall Wednesday will be a coating to as much as a few inches in parts of northern Minnesota. 

WED snow
Forecast potential snowfall Wednesday into Thursday
European Centre for Medium range Weather Forecasting via pivotal weather

Frigid air then moves in for the end of the week and the weekend. By Thursday night lows will already drop below zero across western Minnesota.

Forecast lows Thursday night
National Weather Service

Highs will be in the single digits even in the Twin Cities by Sunday, subzero north and west.

sun hi 10
Forecast highs Sunday
National Weather Service

Overnight lows will be subzero statewide Saturday and Sunday nights. Wind chill values Sunday morning will be as cold as 20 to 30 below zero. 

sun chills
Forecast wind chills early Sunday
National Weather Service

Sunday night looks to be the coldest night with lows well below zero statewide into early Monday morning.

Forecast lows Sunday night
National Weather Service