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Mild Monday with midweek snow possible, then briefly colder

Friday could bring the first below normal temperatures in nearly four weeks

Mon hi 9a
Forecast highs Monday
National Weather Service

Temperatures will be well above normal for the early and middle part of the week. Snow showers are possible late Wednesday into early Thursday with colder air behind it, at least briefly.

Mild first half of the week 

Temperatures will continue to run above normal Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Highs Monday will be near 40 degrees in southern Minnesota, about 10 to 12 degrees above normal. Sunshine will prevail across central and southern Minnesota while northern Minnesota will see clouds and some flurries.

Mon hi 9a
Forecast highs Monday
National Weather Service

Overnight, under scattered clouds, temps will dip back into the 20s in southern Minnesota and teens north.

MON NT lo 9
Forecast lows Monday night
National Weather Service

Tuesday will see a bit more cloud cover but continued mild with highs in the upper 30s to low 40s south to near 30 in northeastern Minnesota.

tue hi 9
Forecast highs Tuesday
National Weather Service

Possible snowfall then colder 

The next system moving toward Minnesota could bring accumulating snowfall late Wednesday into early Thursday. An initial round of lighter snow showers will be possible Tuesday night into early Wednesday with the main event Wednesday night. 

precip 2
Forecast precipitation 12 p.m. Tuesday through 6 a.m. Thursday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

There’s some variation in the forecast models, but the consensus is for a narrow, somewhat heavier band of snow setting up across southern Minnesota.

The potential exists for a few or even several inches of snow in far southern Minnesota. How far north that snow sets up will determine if the Twin Cities sees just a dusting or more than an inch. 

snow models
Several forecast model snowfall scenarios for Wednesday into Thursday
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

A reminder, we haven’t seen more than one inch of snowfall since Halloween in the Twin Cities which continues to be our biggest snow of this winter season so far. We received 2.7 inches Oct. 30-31, 2023. The last measurable snowfall was Jan. 19.

Colder air will slide in behind that system. In fact, Friday could bring the first day of below-normal temperatures since Jan. 21!

Forecast temperature anomalies (departure from normal) for Friday show potentially the first below-normal day in weeks.
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

The six to 10-day temperature outlook favors odds of slightly below normal temperatures into next week but the models have been back tracking on that some. 

6-10 day
6 to 10-day temperature outlook
NOAA Climate Prediction Center