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Whiplash again: From frigid to near 70 by Sunday

Another record high looks likely in the Twin Cities Sunday

Forecast high temperatures Sunday
Forecast high temperatures Sunday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Call it double weather whiplash.

In less than a week we’ll go from record highs in the 60s to snow and subzero wind chills to record highs around 70 degrees in the Twin Cities.

Our current wintry temperature plunge lasts until Thursday morning. Highs Wednesday will hover in the single digits north to teens and low 20s across Minnesota.

Forecast high temperatures Wednesday
Forecast high temperatures Wednesday

By Thursday, southwest breezes begin to blow in milder Pacific air once again.

Forecast high temperatures Thursday
Forecast high temperatures Thursday

Temperatures pulse higher into the upcoming weekend. On the map below, check out the temperature loop from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Global Forecast System model. Watch the cool colors transition to warm tones.

NOAA GFS model temperature output
Global Forecast System model temperature output from Thursday morning to Sunday evening
NOAA, via Tropical Tidbits

The nest warm wave peaks Sunday. Highs will reach the 70-degree mark across southern Minnesota and possibly into the Twin Cities,

Forecast high temperatures Sunday
Forecast high temperatures Sunday

Sunday’s record high for the Twin Cities is 65 degrees set in 1905. We’ll likely topple yet another century-old weather record this upcoming weekend.

Stay tuned.