Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Brighter Tuesday, rain and snow developing north late Wednesday

Temps overall remain above normal for most of Minnesota

tue hi 8a
Forecast highs Tuesday
National Weather Service

Updated 9 a.m.

We’ll see brighter skies Tuesday in southern Minnesota while northern Minnesota sees more clouds. Snow develops in northern Minnesota late Wednesday.

Brighter south Tuesday and dry 

Tuesday will bring another day of mostly above-normal temperatures in the 30s and 40s. Portions of northeastern and northwestern Minnesota will be colder in the 20s.

We should see more sun in southern Minnesota but northern Minnesota will continue to see some mid-level could cover. There are even a few light snow showers possible in far western Minnesota.

tue clouds 8a
Forecast cloud cover through 9 p.m. Tuesday
College of DuPage weather lab

Temperatures warm a bit for Wednesday with low to mid-50s returning to southern Minnesota while northern Minnesota remains colder ahead of the next system.

wed hi 8a
Forecast highs Wednesday
National Weather Service

System brings rain, snow late Wednesday

Snow showers will develop Wednesday in northwestern Minnesota while a few rain and snow showers will be possible farther south Thursday and potentially Friday. 

wed-fri 8a
Forecast precipitation 9 a.m. Wednesday through 12 a.m. Friday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

At least a few inches of snow is possible in northwestern Minnesota, especially into Thursday.

Forecast snowfall through Thursday
National Weather Service

We’ll be cooler behind the midweek system for Friday and Saturday before things warm back up again early next week. Sixty-degree temperatures will again be possible in southern Minnesota by next week, potentially even 70 again.

next tue
Forecast highs potentially by next Tuesday, March 12
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

The six to 10-day temperature outlook calls for a high likelihood (90 percent probability) of above-normal temperatures next week:

6-10 day
Six to 10-day temperature outlook
NOAA Climate Prediction Center