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Cold front: Windy and much colder through the weekend

Fire weather watch Saturday for much of Minnesota

Wind chill forecast
Wind chill forecast for 5 a.m. Sunday.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Get ready for a proper shot of Minnesota March weather. A cold front blowing through Minnesota Friday will deliver gusty winds and much colder air this weekend.

We hit 52 degrees in the Twin Cities on Friday. That’s still 11 degrees warmer than the normal high of 41 degrees. So far, March is running an incredible 14 degrees warmer than normal for the month in the Twin Cities and much of Minnesota.

Overnight into Saturday brings a few light rain and snow showers to northern Minnesota. Saturday brings much colder temperatures — highs will hover in the 30s north with 40s south.

Forecast high temperatures Saturday
Forecast high temperatures Saturday

Sunday brings the coldest day of March so far for Minnesota. Highs will hover in the 20s north and 30s south.

Forecast high temperatures Sunday
Forecast high temperatures Sunday

Gales of March

This weekend will feel like going through the dryer at a car wash. But colder. Gusty northwest winds will top 20 to 30 mph across Minnesota.

Wind gusts
Forecast wind gusts at 5 p.m. Saturday

The concept of wind chill is back this weekend. Apparent temperatures will make it feel like single digits in northern Minnesota Saturday night with teens in the south.

Wind chill forecast
Wind chill forecast for 5 a.m. Sunday

Temperatures will moderate next week. Highs will push back into the 40s to around 50 in the south by Tuesday and Wednesday.

Forecast high temperatures Wednesday
Forecast high temperatures Wednesday

A few forecast models suggest a chance for rain or snow late next week, and things may get more active in the last week of March.

Stay tuned.