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Soaking rainfall tapers off through Wednesday; more typical April temperatures ahead

Moe than an inch of rain across southern Minnesota. Northern Minnesota still needs rain.

Rainfall at the Weather Lab
An updated rainfall total of around 1.80" as of Tuesday late afternoon at the Weather Lab in the southwest Twin Cities.
Paul Huttner | MPR News

Our summer preview last weekend ended with a bang on Tuesday.

Widespread heavy rainfall with embedded thunder ripped across Minnesota Tuesday. It felt like a car wash looking out the Weather Lab windows Tuesday afternoon.

Here are some rainfall reports as of Tuesday afternoon.

  • Victoria 1.80”

  • Redwood Falls 1.44”

  • St. Cloud 1.33”

  • Mankato 1.34”

  • Eden Prairie 1.29”

  • St. Paul .70”

Northern Minnesota is seeing less rain with this system. Scattered showers will continue through Wednesday. Here’s NOAA’s NAM 3 km model into Wednesday.

NOAA NAM 3 km model 2
NOAA NAM 3 km model between 7 p.m. Tuesday and 1 p.m. Wednesday.
NOAA via tropical tidbits

This system produced several tornadoes in Iowa on Tuesday. It won’t be long before severe weather ramps up further north into Minnesota. But right now the skies look mainly storm-free through next week.

More typical April temperatures

Wednesday brings more typical temperatures for April.

Forecast high temperatures Wednesday
Forecast high temperatures Wednesday.

The coolest day this week arrives on Friday.

Forecast high temperatures Friday
Forecast high temperatures Friday.

Temperatures moderate a bit by Sunday.

Forecast high temperatures Sunday
Forecast high temperatures Sunday.

Frost potential

Widespread frost and freezing temperatures arrive late this week. It’s a good idea to cover up or bring in any pots you may have started early this year.

Forecast low temperatures Friday morning
Forecast low temperatures Friday morning.

The average date for the last 32-degree temperature of spring at MSP Airport is April 25. By May 4 there’s a 90-percent chance for the last freeze.

Stay tuned.