Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Friday and Sunday storms rolling through Minnesota

Break from rain much of Saturday; more rain, thunderstorms Sunday

European model (ECMWF) precipitation output
Precipitation output forecast into Monday
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, via Pivotal Weather

Scattered rain and thunderstorms roam Minnesota into early Saturday morning. It’s the first of two separate storms rolling through Minnesota through Sunday. By the time system No. 2 pulls out Sunday night, much of Minnesota will have picked up 1 to 2 inches of rainfall.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s NAM 3 km model shows the rain cells swirling around the first low-pressure system Friday night, then a break Saturday followed by the second storm rolling in Sunday.

NOAA NAM 3 km model
North American Mesoscale 3 km model between 5 p.m. Friday and 1 a.m. Monday
NOAA, via Tropical Tidbits

We catch a break in the rain most of Saturday across Minnesota, but skies will remain mostly cloudy between systems. Temperatures will range from near 50 degrees in the northwest to 70 degrees in the southeast.

Forecast high temperatures Saturday
Forecast high temperatures Saturday

Nebraska tornado outbreak

We’ve been lucky that the severe risk has been mainly south of Minnesota with this system.

As of this post time on Friday afternoon, at least 25 preliminary tornado reports are in from Nebraska.

Tornado damage has been confirmed just northwest of Omaha in Elkhorn, Neb.

Next week looks slightly warmer. Highs will reach 70 degrees in the Twin Cities and southern Minnesota on Tuesday.

Forecast high temperatures Tuesday
Forecast high temperatures Tuesday

Highs most of next week will be in the 60s across southern Minnesota with some 50s north. Right now I don't see any rapid warmup in sight just yet. But it’s coming.