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More showers and thunder Friday. Storms likely again late Sunday

Warmer temps as active pattern continues

Forecast rainfall through early Saturday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

We’ll have scattered showers and thunder Friday with heavy rainfall potential for southern Minnesota. More storms are possible Sunday and some could be strong. 

Warmer temps as active pattern continues

Scattered morning showers will give way to a bit of a midday break Friday with a few peeks of sunshine. High temperatures will warm into the 70s statewide. Northwestern Minnesota will see sun much of the day along with drier weather.

fri hi 8a
Forecast highs Friday
National Weather Service

More showers and thunderstorms will develop for southern Minnesota in the afternoon and evening Friday. Those showers could produce heavy rainfall. 

fri prec 8a
Forecast precipitation 7 a.m. Friday through 1 a.m. Saturday
College of DuPage weather lab

One to 2 inches of rain could fall from Redwood Falls in southwestern Minnesota through the Twin Cities and Rochester into western Wisconsin Friday into Friday night. There could be some locally higher amounts greater than 2 inches.

Forecast rainfall through early Saturday
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

Saturday should be mostly dry for most of the state. A few showers or a thunderstorm is possible in mainly southeastern and northeastern Minnesota.

sat prec
Forecast precipitation 6 a.m. through 9 p.m. Saturday
College of DuPage weather lab

Temperatures Saturday will warm to near 80 degrees in southern Minnesota with low 70s north.

sat hi 8a
Forecast highs Saturday
National Weather Service

Sunday will be warm with highs near 80 again in southern Minnesota.

sun hi 8a
Forecast highs Sunday
National Weather Service

The pattern remains active into next week. The next rain chance comes Sunday with the potential of strong storms late Sunday into Sunday night. Another system will develop more storms Tuesday into Tuesday night.

sun-wed prec 8a
Forecast precipitation 7 a.m. Sunday through 1 a.m. Thursday
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, via Pivotal Weather

The Sunday and Tuesday systems could produce strong to severe storms. There’s a slight risk (level 2 of 5) of severe weather in western Minnesota and a marginal risk (level 1 of 5) for much of the rest of Minnesota.

day 3 spc
Severe weather outlook for Sunday
NOAA Storm Prediction Center

Overall temperatures will be summerlike with highs mostly in the 70s and 80s into next week for the first week of June.