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Decreasing clouds Monday. More storms on the way Tuesday

A cooler and drier stretch of weather sets in mid-late week

mon hi 8a
Forecast highs Monday
National Weather Service

After a very wet Sunday night we’ll see decreasing clouds Monday. Isolated afternoon thunder is again possible, but more organized storms develop Tuesday.

Substantial rainfall late Sunday into early Monday 

Many areas of Minnesota saw plenty of rainfall overnight. The heaviest fell across central Minnesota and a swath south of the Twin Cities. Those areas saw 2 to 4 inches of rainfall. Most Twin Cities metro area amounts ranged from one-half inch to 1 1/2-inches. 

COOP rain
Rainfall reports for Sunday into Monday
National Weather Service

Clearing Monday with more storms Tuesday before drying out

Clouds will continue to decrease through the morning Monday with a fair amount of afternoon sunshine. This will help us warm into the low to mid-80s in southern Minnesota.

mon hi 8a
Forecast highs Monday
National Weather Service

There could be a couple of thunderstorms that pop up in the afternoon from east-central Minnesota into western Wisconsin. 

mon prec 8a
Forecast precipitation 9 a.m. Monday through 9 p.m.
College of DuPage Weather

Tuesday will again be warm with highs in the low to mid-80s ahead of a cold front.

tue hi
Forecast highs Tuesday
National Weather Service

That front and upper level disturbance will help to spark more scattered storms Tuesday afternoon and evening.

tue prec 8a
Forecast precipitation 7 a.m. Tuesday through 1 a.m. Wednesday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

Some of those storms Tuesday could be strong to severe. There’s a marginal risk (level 1 of 5) for much of eastern Minnesota.

tue spc 6a
Severe weather outlook for Tuesday into Tuesday night
NOAA Storm Prediction Center

Beyond Tuesday it will be cooler and windy Wednesday into Friday. High temperatures Thursday will be mostly in the 60s to just low 70s.

thu hi
Forecast highs Thursday
National Weather Service

We’ll also get a nice dry break with just spotty showers north Wednesday but mostly dry Thursday into early next week.