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Cooler Thursday; nice weather pattern into the weekend

About 10 degrees cooler across Minnesota Thursday

Forecast high temperatures Thursday
Forecast high temperatures Thursday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

A chilly nip is in the air in parts of northern Minnesota through Thursday. Temperatures will run about 10 degrees cooler across Minnesota.

Highs Thursday will hover in the 50s across much of northern Minnesota. (Check out the map above.) The Twin Cities will struggle to hit 70 degrees on Thursday afternoon!

Thursday night brings good sleeping weather to all of Minnesota. Lows will fall into the 50s south and 40s north. There may even be a few colder nooks and crannies up north like Embarrass and Tower that dip into the upper 30s early Friday morning.

Forecast low temperatures Friday morning
Forecast low temperatures Friday morning
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Highs Friday and this weekend will recover back into the 70s south with 60s north.

Forecast high temperatures Saturday
Forecast high temperatures Saturday

Gradually drying out

Our seemingly incessant barrage of storms is fading over the next week. Spotty showers may roam the northern half of Minnesota again Thursday. Another batch may sneak through Friday night. Then it looks dry into early next week.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Global Forecast System shows the trend:

NOAA GFS model
Global Forecast System model between Thursday and Sunday.
NOAA, via Tropical Tidbits

NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center six to 10-day precipitation outlook favors normal to slightly below normal precipitation for Minnesota and the Upper Midwest.

NOAA 6 to 10-day precipitation outlook
6 to 10-day precipitation outlook