Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Cooler days ahead with late week rain chances returning

Weekend should be dry for most

Forecast chance of rainfall Tuesday night
National Weather Service

A secondary cool front is sliding across the state overnight touching off a few spotty showers. It will drop temperatures into Wednesday with highs just in the 60s and 70s.

Few overnight showers then cooler Wednesday

What a difference from Monday. Dew points have dropped from the 70s and even 80s — St. James in southwestern Minnesota had a dew point of 84 at one point Monday evening — to mostly the 50s. That drop equates to about half as much water in the air now from Monday. 

24 dew change
24-hour change in dew point temperatures
WeatherBELL Analytics

A secondary cool front is moving across the state Tuesday night. That will drop temperatures further for the next couple of days but also touch off some spotty showers overnight into early Wednesday.

tue nt precip
Forecast precipitation 4 p.m. Tuesday through 10 a.m. Wednesday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

Highs Wednesday will range from the upper 70s south to just the upper 60s north behind the cool front.

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Forecast highs Wednesday
National Weather Service

The next chance of showers and some thunderstorms arrives Thursday night into Friday. At this point, rainfall looks to be less than one-half inch. 

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Forecast precipitation 7 a.m. Thursday through 7 a.m. Saturday
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, via Pivotal Weather

Saturday and Sunday both look dry before the next chance of thunder moves in Monday for the first day of July.