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Muggy night; spotty thunderstorm chances and foggy start to Sunday

Global Forecast System model through Saturday night.
Thunderstorm chances through Saturday night.
NOAA via Pivotal Weather

Muggy conditions with dewpoints in the upper 50s to low 60s for tonight. Our overnight low temperatures are expected to drop into lower to mid 60s, some mid 50s in the arrowhead region.

Overnight low temperatures.
Overnight low temperatures for Saturday night.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Isolated showers possible; no severe anticipated.

Ongoing chances for showers and thunderstorms possible into the evening hours. Main threat will be north of Interstate 94 towards the iron range and Red River Valley. No severe weather is anticipated with these storms, only a possibility of small hail and some gusty winds.

Global Forecast System model through Saturday night.
Thunderstorm chances through Saturday night.
NOAA via Pivotal Weather

Fog is expected to develop overnight and linger into the early morning hours. Besides the fog, the haze from wildfires in Canada will continue until Sunday, with some relief in sight with the passage of a cold front.

Foggy start to Sunday.
Fog developing in the early morning hours, Sunday.
National Weather Service