Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Sticky summer conditions returning; precipitation chances low until late Sunday

After a pleasant Thursday, temperatures and dew points will ramp up for the weekend. Gusty winds and temperatures in the 90s are in the forecast. The next chance for thunderstorms arrives late Sunday.

Lovely Thursday

Pleasant conditions continue for Thursday before the heat and humidity arrive for the last week in July.

Temperatures Thursday night will drop into the low to mid-60s across the metro area, with upper 60s to low 70s along the Minnesota-Dakotas border and some cooler temperatures for the Arrowhead region in the mid to upper 50s.

Low temperatures for Thursday night.
Low temperatures expected for Thursday night.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Humidity, winds, temps ramp up Friday

As a high-pressure system exits to our east, we will have strong southerly winds on the backside of the high pressure. These strong winds out of the south will usher in sticky dew points and warmer air. Look for dew points to return to the 60s and 70s.

Dew points for Friday.
Dew point temperatures expected for Friday.
Wind speeds for Friday.
Wind speeds for Friday
Max wind gusts for Friday.
Wind gusts expected for Friday

Summer heat wave continues into next week

These summerlike temperatures will hang out for the last week in July. A ridge of high pressure in the west will continue to build in to the Central Plains providing those above-average temperatures. The bulk of the heat will remain off to our south and west.

Surface temperatures for United States.
Surface high temperatures for United States
NOAA, via College of DuPage weather lab
6-10 d
6-10 day temperature outlook
NOAA Climate Prediction Center