All Things Considered

Stauber cites mineral mining as one reason for Trump’s appeal in northern Minnesota

A person speaks
Minnesota U.S. Rep. Pete Stauber speaks in front of an aircraft at the Minnesota National Guard's hangar in St. Paul on Sept. 15, 2023.
Kerem Yücel | MPR News

The Democrats’ once shaky 2024 campaign is solidifying around Vice President Kamala Harris, who appears to have enough delegate support to become the party’s nominee next month.

And that means the Republican Party campaign is crystallizing as well. It’s a message Minnesotans will hear up close when former President Donald Trump campaigns in St. Cloud on Saturday with Senator JD Vance, his vice presidential pick.

Minnesota 8th Congressional District Republican Rep. Pete Stauber spoke to MPR News’ All Things Considered host Tom Crann about his party’s platform and how he sees it playing out in northern Minnesota.

What do you make of Biden’s departure and Kamala Harris taking over at the top of the ticket, as it seems to be solidifying quickly? Does that change the dynamic for you?

Well, I think that after President Biden was forced out by the Democratic Party, it was apparent that Vice President Kamala Harris was going to step in. And we see that happening. And I think that Minnesotans and the American people, they’ve rejected the Biden-Harris policies. And as I said, it’s the same car, just a different driver.

And so as we look at this campaign, you’re going to see a stark difference between the Biden-Harris policies, the economic policies, foreign policies, energy policies — there’s going to be a stark difference — because their policies have been devastating to the pocketbooks of mainstream Minnesotans

Let me ask about labor union support. Typically, it’s been an asset in northeastern Minnesota and the Biden and now Harris ticket, have some obvious union support. Do you expect that to make it more competitive in your part of the state?

Well, I think just looking at the Democrat party in general, they have absolutely left the working man and woman. And we see that not only in their policies, but their legislation. For example, those of us who are very familiar with the energy, Xcel Energy Replacement Line 3 — the Republicans supported that. And that was all union work. And you’re seeing the Republicans, the pro-labor Republicans coming out and supporting these projects, and these are the skilled, the labor union projects that move our state and move our economy.

I want to ask you a question based on your own experience as a Duluth police officer, and also, as I understand a victim of gun crime. I want to get your reaction to the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. And then we had Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle’s resignation after appearing before Congress in a very unsatisfactory way to both parties, it seems.

Does that reset things and give you confidence that an event like the one scheduled for Saturday will be safe for former President Trump and Sen. Vance or for Vice President Harris, and whoever she picks as she campaigns?

Well, Tom, political violence is never the answer. And I’m just glad that President Trump survived the assassination attempt. I know there are hearings as to what happened — where were the faults. And my hope is that during this investigation that when they deliver the information to the American people, that it’s true, and it’s accurate and it’s factual, so we know there’s no conspiracy theories going on. But listen, that was, as I understand that now, it was an utter failure on the Secret Service to allow an assassination attempt on President Trump. And I think that no matter what political party you’re a part of, we need to protect those candidates and presidents.

The Secret Service has a no fail policy, and they failed miserably on that Saturday in Butler, Penn. And I think that’s why you saw at the hearing both sides of the aisle recommended that Director Cheatle resign in disgrace. And ultimately she did the day after. As we look at that, how that event unfolded, it was just tragic. However, I think that the photograph of President Trump with the American flag behind him, blood on his face, that resounded and resonated with not only Minnesotans, Americans, but people around the world. It showed strength in the United States.

As we talk, former President Trump is giving a rally in North Carolina. He and JD Vance will be here in St. Cloud in Minnesota this weekend. Tell me the most important issues to voters in the 8th District that you hear about. And how do you want Trump to address those issues? What do you want to hear from him here?

Well, I think he’s going to address the issues. He’s going to address the economy. He’s going to address foreign policy. He’s going to address our southern border. He’s going to address, for northeastern Minnesota in particular, critical mineral mining and the importance of domestic mining. And those are all blue collar issues that the 8th Congressional District constituents support.

We just look at, for instance, the Biden-Harris policies, what it costs, the average Minnesotan families thousands of dollars more each month than it did under the Trump policies. There’s a stark difference in the economic policies, the foreign policies, the energy policies, the mining policies, and the list goes on and on. And I really believe Tom, Minnesota voters are very intelligent. They know the difference between the Trump policies and the Biden-Harris policies.

When it comes to immigration at the southern border, there have been recent changes made by the Biden administration tightening up asylum and it has made some difference by some reports in the number of people coming across. Is that enough?

Tom, I tell you what, I’m going to disagree with your statement that these recent policies by President Biden have made a difference. It has made zero difference. I’ve talked to the Border Patrol agents. I’ve been down to the border, more than Kamala Harris, who was put in charge of securing the border. The devastation at our southern border, and with the Biden-Harris open border policies, we’re seeing devastation like we’ve never seen — fentanyl coming through the border killing our children. We’ve had the human trafficking along the border routes — it’s through the roof. I’ve been down on the southern border. And every time in those communities, they have begged us, “Please shut down the border.” Our social services can’t handle it. Our hospitals can’t handle it. Our law enforcement can’t handle it. And the list goes on and on. And so this border invasion, Biden and Harris own it.

When President Trump was in office, it was secure. Now with that being said, we’ve requested that President Biden just do three things. He can reverse three executive orders, and he can do it by continuing building the wall, put forth the Remain in Mexico policy and stop ‘catch and release.’ Tom, if he just did those three things, it would reduce 75 percent of the illegal crossings. The Republicans in the House of Representatives put forth a legislation called H.R.2, House Resolution 2, which is the strongest border security policy and legislation in the history of our country. And it has sat on Chuck Schumer’s desk for almost two years. Simply unacceptable. Had the Senate taken that up, it might not might not have been perfect, but we could have worked through our disagreements and had a secure border. But the Senate, Chuck Schumer, and the Biden administration would not support it.

Tom, I would tell you that if you’re looking for a perfect candidate, please find one. You know, all of us have flaws. Nobody’s perfect. But the fact of the matter is the Minnesota voters and the American voters are going to have a choice in November. It is going to be either supporting the Trump economic policies, foreign policies, border policies, energy policies or the failed Biden-Harris border policies, energy policies, economic policies and energy policies. We feel it in our pocketbooks in Minnesota, and it has to do with policies. And the Minnesotans and Americans see the difference.