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Hazy conditions continue with wildfires burning across Canada

A pyrocumulonimbus cloud over the ridgeline rising from the Bootleg Fire in Oregon on July 7, 2021.

A cold front progressing across Minnesota on Monday will usher in some moderate smoke levels for northern Minnesota. Southern Minnesota will remain in the green (good) category through most of this week.

Air quality index for Monday.
Air quality index for Monday.
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

We can expect better conditions heading into Wednesday. Air quality index forecast for Wednesday shows the state of Minnesota in the green (good) category.

AQI forecast for Wednesday.
AQI forecast for Wednesday.
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Wildfires are creating their own weather

As wildfires become really intense they can create their own weather. The immense amount of heat generated from the fires can create pyrocumulonimbus clouds. These are smoke-filled thunderstorms that can produce hail, strong winds, lightning and tornadoes.

A pyrocumulonimbus cloud over the ridgeline rising from the Bootleg Fire in Oregon on July 7, 2021.

There are currently 310 uncontrolled active wildfires in Canada with over 2.2 hectares affected (equivalent to over 5.6 million acres).

Fire situation report.
Fire situation report for Canada.
Canadian Wildland Fire Information System
Wildfire locations and air quality update.
Wildfire locations and air quality update.