Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Weekend glance; final push of hot weather before cooldown.

7 day forecast.
7 day forecast.
National Weather Service

Sunshine in the forecast for your Friday as high temperatures once again climb into the upper 80s to low 90s. Look for dewpoints in the mid to upper 60s for central through southern Minnesota. More comfortable dewpoints in the mid to upper 50s for the northland.

Highs for Friday.
Highs for Friday.
Dewpoints for Friday afternoon.
Dewpoints for Friday afternoon.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Another warm day is expected for Saturday with mainly sunny skies. Highs in the mid to upper 80s, a few low 90s for southwestern Minnesota. Up north will see temperatures in the upper 70s to low 80s with increasing cloud cover.

Highs for Saturday
Highs for Saturday.

Weather models continue to be all over the place with the development of storms late Saturday into early Sunday. We will see a southward moving front that will produce showers and thunderstorms. There is enough instability in the atmosphere that a few of these storms could become grumpy.

Possible precipitation for Saturday night into Sunday.
Possible precipitation for Saturday night into Sunday.
North American Model via College of DuPage

Possible precipitation for Saturday night into Sunday.
Possible precipitation for Saturday night into Sunday.
High Resolution Rapid Refresh model via NOAA

A taste of fall for next week.

The first full week of August will feel a lot like early fall. A cold front pushing through on Monday will bring some soaking rains to the region, and a cooler air mass. Highs in the 70s expected all next week.

7 day forecast.
7 day forecast.
National Weather Service

NOAA 8 to 14-day temperature outlook
NOAA 8 to 14-day temperature outlook.