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Wet Monday ahead with fall-like pattern moving in. Possible tornado in Melrose over the weekend

Rain chances Monday through Tuesday morning.
Rain chances Monday through Tuesday morning.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

A cooler airmass will entrench the Upper Midwest this week with 60s and 70s in the forecast. Prolonged rain showers on Monday, with a marginal risk for severe for southern Minnesota.

Departure from normal temperatures.
Departure from normal temperatures.

Rain chances returning late this evening and continuing into our Monday. Tonight we have a marginal risk for severe weather for central and southern Minnesota. Main concerns will once again be hail and damaging winds.

Severe threat for Sunday.
Severe threat for Sunday night.

Soggy start to the workweek.

The stationary front current sitting at the Minnesota/Iowa border will provide an opportunity for stratiform rain on Monday. Look for lighter intensity, but longer duration showers to start the work week. Rain will be widespread with totals around half and inch to one inch. Some areas that see more convective storms could have 2-3 inches of rain.

Rain chances Monday through Tuesday morning.
Rain chances Monday through Tuesday morning.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

A cooler airmass settles into the Upper Midwest for the first full week of August. Highs on Monday will struggle to climb into the 60s and 70s. Temperatures 10-15 degrees below the average. Winds will begin to pick up out of the east/northeast, remaining calm for the northland.

Highs for Monday
Highs for Monday

Winds for Monday.
Winds for Monday.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Cooler air, continued rain chances.

Our stationary front will begin to move out and be replaced by high pressure. There appears to be an active weather pattern settling in for next week but the forecast models are having a hard time pinpointing just when and where. What we do know is that we will have cooler temperatures and multiple chances for rain.

NOAA 6 to 10-day temperature outlook
NOAA 6 to 10-day temperature outlook.

Possible tornado in Melrose, MN.

After storms rolled through central Minnesota Saturday night, the damage had already been done. Melrose, Minnesota was hit with a possible tornado. Damage was extensive in town, as seen in the photos below.

Melrose storm damage
Melrose storm damage-another building destroyed.
Trevor Singleton
Melrose storm damage
Melrose storm damage-building destroyed.
Trevor Singleton
Melrose storm damage
Melrose storm damage-tree uprooted.
Trevor Singleton
Melrose, Minnesota storm damage.
Melrose, Minnesota storm damage- garage destroyed.
Trevor Singleton