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Another cool day Friday with a pleasant weekend ahead

Temperatures should climb to normal by midweek next week

Forecast temperature anomalies (depature from normal)
WeatherBELL Analytics

Friday will feel like another late September day with highs mostly in the 60s to low 70s. It’ll be breezy again with spotty sprinkles in northeastern Minnesota. The weekend will be pleasant. 

Cool air persists to start the weekend, then a gradual warmup

The fall preview weather continues. High temperatures on Friday will be in just the upper 50s in northeastern Minnesota to low 70s in far southern Minnesota. These readings are 10 to 20 degrees cooler than normal.

fri hi 5
Forecast highs Friday
National Weather Service

It will be breezy again also with northwest winds at 10-20 mph. Combine that with dry air with dew points in the 40s and it will add a chill to the air by August standards.

winds FRI
Forecast winds 8 a.m. through 6 p.m. Friday
College of DuPage weather lab

Morning sunshine will again lead to quite a few afternoon clouds due to unusually cold air aloft for this time of year. Portions of Minnesota will see some pop-up showers in the afternoon and evening, mainly in northern Minnesota but perhaps as far south as the Twin Cities later.

fri prec 8a
Forecast simulated radar 8 a.m. through 10 p.m. Friday
College of DuPage weather lab

The weekend will see continued below-normal temperatures, but it will get gradually warmer. Highs should be mostly in the 70s both days for most of the state.

wknd highs
Forecast highs for Saturday and Sunday
National Weather Service

Next week will continue the gradual warming trend. Southern Minnesota should finally crack 80 degrees again by midweek. The six to 10-day temperature outlook calls for slightly better odds of above-normal temperatures versus below.

6-10 d temps
6 to 10-day temperature outlook
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Prediction Center

We’ll also see the chance of some showers and thunderstorms increase some by mid to late week, otherwise measurable rainfall will be pretty low or non-existent between now and midweek next week.

The six to 10-day precipitation outlook shows slightly better odds of above normal precipitation.

6-10 d prec
6-10 day precipitation outlook
NOAA Climate Prediction Center