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Pleasant weekend weather continues

Seasonal temperatures returning to the forecast

Cloud cover Wednesday through Friday night.
Cloud cover Wednesday through Friday night.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

The second half of the weekend is promising more of the same. Temperatures will be slightly warmer on Sunday with highs in the upper 70s for the Twin Cities. Dewpoints continue to hang in the 50s through the beginning of the work week.

Highs for Sunday.
Highs for Sunday.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

A small disturbance will mainly run south of the forecast area on Sunday, but southwestern Minnesota will see increased cloud cover. Isolated rain chances are possible south of the Minnesota River Valley late Sunday night into the early hours on Monday.

Forecast precipitation Sunday afternoon through Monday morning.
Forecast precipitation Sunday afternoon through Monday morning.
NOAA via College of DuPage Weather

High pressure for the start of the work week will give way to an active weather pattern with multiple chances for precipitation Wednesday through Friday.

Cloud cover Wednesday through Friday night.
Cloud cover Wednesday through Friday night.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

We will see an increase in our humidity with dewpoints in the 60s and even 70s returning by Tuesday into Wednesday.

Dewpoints Wednesday through Friday.
Dewpoints Wednesday through Friday.
NOAA via Tropical Tidbits

Perseid meteor shower

This weekend the Perseid meteor shower will bring a shooting star show to the state. The shower will peak Sunday night into the pre-dawn hours on Monday. Make sure to get away from city lights and look towards the north.