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Another beautiful weekend day; Perseid meteor shower tonight

Seasonal temperatures and widespread rain by mid-week

Possible precipitation Sunday afternoon into Monday morning.
Possible precipitation Sunday afternoon into Monday morning.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

High pressure will settle in for our Sunday, giving way to another sunny day. Winds are expected to remain light under the high pressure system. High temperatures today work their way into the mid to upper 70s.

Highs for Sunday.
Highs for Sunday.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Isolated showers possible for southwestern Minnesota

A small disturbance will propagate to our south. We will see gradually increasing cloud cover into late Sunday afternoon, early Sunday night. Very spotty showers are expected to remain south of the Minnesota River Valley. These isolated showers could linger into the pre-dawn hours along the Minnesota/Iowa border.

Possible precipitation Sunday afternoon into Monday morning.
Possible precipitation Sunday afternoon into Monday morning.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

Our lows tonight will drop around 60 for the metro area, low to mid 50s north, mid to upper 50s in the south.

Lows for Sunday night.
Highs for Sunday.

Seasonal temperatures return with widespread rain showers

Southerly wind flow will lead to some warming for the Upper Midwest. High temperatures return to the low 80s by Tuesday.

Temperatures Wednesday through Friday.
Temperatures Wednesday through Friday.
NOAA via College of DuPage Weather

Moisture will be on the rise as well, with 60 degree dewpoints arriving by Tuesday into Wednesday. Some 70 degree dewpoints are possible for southwestern Minnesota.

Dewpoints Wednesday through Friday.
Dewpoints Wednesday through Friday.
NOAA via College of DuPage Weather

We will see an active weather pattern Wednesday through Friday. Widespread rain showers and cloud cover to end the work week.

Perseid meteor shower tonight

Tonight is the peak intensity for these showers. The moon will set around midnight, providing dark skies for the shooting star display. Residual cloud cover from an earlier system will be present for central through southern Minnesota. Clear skies to the north will provide a great viewing window for these showers. Happy star gazing!

Cloud cover Sunday nigh through Monday morning.
Cloud cover Sunday night through Monday morning.
NOAA via College of DuPage Weather