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Quiet and calm to start the week. Sneak peek at State Fair forecast

Possible storms Thursday, but overall dry

Outlook for week
Outlook for week
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Pleasant conditions to start the work week with high pressure in control. At or slightly below seasonal temperatures expected this week. Our next chance for spotty thunder and shower activity will be later this week.

High pressure over the Hudson Bay will help keep the weather away. Any activity is expected to stay well to our south and west. Temperatures for Monday afternoon will warm into the low 80s, with upper 70s for northeast Minnesota.

Highs for Monday
Highs for Monday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Monday night our low temperatures will drop into the upper 50s to low 60s. It will be chillier in the arrowhead region with low to mid-50s forecasted. Fog is expected to develop in low-lying, valley areas once again.

Lows for Monday night.
Lows for Monday night.

Possible storms late Thursday

As we inch closer to the start of the State Fair, all eyes will be on the weather. Our next weather wrinkle moves in late Thursday, bringing with it the chance for spotty thunderstorms. The exact timing and placement of this feature is still unclear, but the forecast models agree there will be a chance.

Forecast simulated radar Thursday into Friday.
Forecast simulated radar Thursday into Friday.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

Temperatures will gradually warm up into the mid to upper 80s for the weekend, with the possibility of hitting the 90s once again. Our dew points will be increasing during this time as well, returning to the 60s once again. It wouldn’t be a State Fair without some sunshine and 90-degree temperatures.

Dewpoints Thursday through Saturday night.
Dew points Thursday through Saturday night.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration via College of DuPage