Morning Announcements

Morning Announcements for Aug. 20

Blue candles on a birthday cake
Blue candles on a birthday cake. Here are the morning announcements for Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2024.
Joey Gannon/Wikimedia Commons

Tell us what you’re celebrating this week. Whether it's a milestone in your career, a family achievement, a community event, a birthday, or something good happening in your neighborhood, we want to hear your stories.

“Brother Mark John from Yuma Arizona is celebrating his birthday here in Minnesota. Hope you have a grand day! Love your family”

~ JoEllen Haugo, Minneapolis

“Happy 50th birthday to my handsome hubby Chris. May your 50th journey around the sun be nifty.”

~Grace, Cottage Grove

Have something you want included in the Morning Announcements? Tell us!

Listen for Morning Announcements weekdays around 8:55 a.m. on MPR News.