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Pleasant Wednesday with spotty thunder possible late Thursday

Heat set to move in this weekend

sat high
Visible satellite imagery early Wednesday
College of DuPage weather lab

We’ll have partly cloudy skies Wednesday with a possible isolated shower in south-central Minnesota. More spotty thunder develops north and west Thursday.

Pleasant Wednesday; showers possible Thursday night

Wednesday will continue to be pleasant and comfortable with highs in the mid to upper 70s for most. We’ll have partly cloudy skies with the slightest chance of an isolated shower in western Minnesota.

wed hi 8a
Forecast highs Wednesday
National Weather Service

It’ll be another comfortable overnight with mostly clear skies and lows in the 50s in eastern Minnesota with 60s west.

wed nt lo
Forecast lows Wednesday night
National Weather Service

The next upper-level disturbance will develop spotty showers and some thunder in primarily western and northern Minnesota Thursday. That activity will then push eastward and statewide Thursday night into early Friday. 

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Forecast simulated radar 1 a.m. Thursday through 7 a.m. Friday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

Highs Thursday will be back in the 70s for most as clouds increase.

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Forecast highs Thursday
National Weather Service

After the potential rainfall moves out, things will heat up heading into the weekend. The weekend should be mainly dry with highs in the 80s Saturday and temperatures will likely be near 90 degrees Sunday and Monday. 

sun hi 8a
Forecast highs Sunday
National Weather Service

In addition to the heat, the muggy air will be moving back in Friday ahead of the warmer temperatures. Dew points will be well into the 60s, perhaps even near 70 at times.

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Forecast dew points 7 a.m. Wednesday through 1 p.m. Saturday
College of DuPage weather lab

Cooler air arrives for mid to late week next week. Highs may struggle to reach 70 by the end of next week.