State Fair

Dangerous heat or severe storms at the Minnesota State Fair? Here‘s what to do

state fair sunday aug 25 heat high temps
A thermometer inside the Corn Roast booth at the Minnesota State Fair read 140 degrees on Sunday. Dangerously hot weather is expected on Monday, with heat index values possibly topping 100 degrees.
Tom Baker for MPR News

Dangerous heat and potentially severe storms are in the forecast for southern Minnesota on Monday, including the Minnesota State Fair.

Fair officials have plans in place for both, to keep fairgoers safe.

Hot weather

Fair officials recommend bringing a reusable water bottle, and refilling it at stations located across the fairgrounds. Those water refill stations are shown on fair maps.

There also are water misting stations on the grounds, for a quick cooldown.

a child plays in mist
Henrick Hoey, 3, of Lonsdale, runs through a mister at the Minnesota State Fair in Sunday‘s hot weather.
Tom Baker for MPR News

Officials also urge people to remember to take breaks from walking, whether on a bench or in the shade of one of the fair’s buildings. While most fair buildings are not air-conditioned, two do offer AC: the North End Event Center, and the History & Heritage Center near the West End Market.

There are two first-aid stations on the grounds — one on the west side of the grounds near the West End Market, and the other on the east side near the 4-H Building.

Fairgoers look for shelter as a storm rolls over the Minnesota State Fair
Fairgoers look for shelter as a storm rolls over the Minnesota State Fair in 2018.
Lacey Young | MPR News file

Storm shelters

If severe thunderstorms threaten the State Fair, officials may use wireless emergency alerts — similar to an Amber Alert — to notify people on the fairgrounds. Announcements may also be broadcast on the grounds, in addition to law enforcement officers notifying people that they need to seek shelter.

There are six designated severe weather shelters on the fairgrounds:

  • Inside the grandstand

  • Agriculture Horticulture Building

  • 4-H Building

  • Food Building/The Garden

  • Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum

  • Water tower

Those shelters are shown on fair maps.

If severe storms approach while a grandstand show is underway, there are specific plans in place for clearing the venue. Read more about those on the fair’s website.