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Sunny, breezy Saturday; Labor Day weekend forecast

Southwest winds gusting over 25 mph

Labor Day outlook
Labor Day outlook

Welcome to the last day of meteorological summer! A splendid Saturday on tap with lots of sunshine.

A cold front will be moving through the state today. However this cold front is lacking moisture, so it will move through quietly with the exception for north, northeastern Minnesota. Areas in north, north-eastern Minnesota will have increased cloud cover and showers. Ahead of the front we will see breezy south, south-westerly winds gusting 20-25 mph.

Wind gusts for Saturday
Wind gusts for Saturday
NOAA via College of DuPage Weather

Our high temperatures for Saturday warm into the lower to mid-80s central through southern Minnesota. Cooler 70s up north, where those clouds and showers remain. Dew points will be in the upper 50s for the metro area, some lower 60s in southeastern Minnesota.

Highs for Saturday
Highs for Saturday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Tonight our temperatures drop into the upper 50s for the core Twin Cities area, but cooler across the state. Lower to mid 50s central through southern portions, with mid to upper 40s for the northland.

Lows for Saturday night
Lows for Saturday night

Sunday will feature sunshine with cooler highs post-front in the lower 70s. It will be the least breezy day of the weekend. Winds expected out of the northwest 5-10 mph.

Highs for Sunday.
Highs for Sunday.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Quiet high pressure; rain chances mid-week

Canadian high pressure will settle right over the Twin Cities Monday morning. This high pressure will bring us some cooler conditions, making it feel like fall for the second half of Labor Day weekend. Highs on Monday around 74 degrees, and lows Monday morning will drop into the 40s for the state, except for the heart of the cities. Dry, quiet weather will continue into Tuesday.

Highs for Monday.
Highs for Monday.

Wednesday and Thursday of next week will be our next chance for any precipitation. The forecast models show the presence of a front moving through, with very little moisture. At this time, no severe weather is anticipated, nor any large amounts of rainfall.

Another shot at cooler air moves in late next week. The Climate Prediction Center’s 6-10 day outlook for temperature and precipitation shows below average trends. We are heading into a cooler, and dry weather pattern for the start of meteorological fall.

6-10 day temperature outlook.
6-10 day temperature outlook.
NOAA via Climate Prediction Center
6-10 day precipitation outlook
6-10 day precipitation outlook
NOAA via Climate Prediction Center