Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Sunshine and 70s; rain chances mid-week

First day of meteorological fall

Outlook for the week.
Outlook for the week.

Happy first day of meteorological fall!

What a difference between Saturday’s highs in the mid-80s and Sunday’s highs in the lower 70s. It’s almost as if a switch was flipped to change the seasons.

24 hour temperature change from Saturday to Sunday.
24 hour temperature change from Saturday to Sunday.

With Saturday’s cold front well off to our east, our winds will not be as breezy for Sunday; north, northwest winds between 5-10 mph. Temperatures in the northland will be a bit cooler in the upper 60s, with low 70s for the rest of the forecast area.

Highs for Sunday.
Highs for Sunday.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Labor Day forecast

High pressure from Canada will settle over the Twin Cities Sunday into Labor Day. Look for sunshine, light winds, and cool nights.

Forecast map for Sunday.
Forecast map for Sunday.
NOAA via Pivotal Weather

Our lows Sunday evening will drop into the upper 40s for central and southern Minnesota, and low 40s up north.

Low temperatures for Sunday night.
Low temperatures for Sunday night.

Labor day will be sunny, with below average temperatures. High temperatures across the state in the low to mid-70s.

Highs for Monday.
Highs for Monday.

Our winds will begin to increase out of the south behind the departing high pressure system on Tuesday. These warmer southerly winds will bring the return of 80 degree temperatures mid-week.

Temperature and winds Tuesday through Wednesday.
Temperature and winds Tuesday through Wednesday.
NOAA via Pivotal Weather

Another cold front sweeps through late Wednesday into early Thursday. The Global Forecast System model shows a slight chance for scattered showers. No severe weather is anticipated at this time.

Forecast simulated radar for Wednesday 4 p.m. through Thursday morning.
Forecast simulated radar for Wednesday 4 p.m. through Thursday morning.
NOAA via College of Dupage Weather

The end of the week will feature hoodie weather as forecasted temperatures only reach into the 60s on Friday. The 6-10 day temperature and precipitation outlook shows a below average trend.

6-10 day temperature outlook.
6-10 day temperature outlook.
NOAA via Climate Prediction Center
6-10 day precipitation outlook
6-10 day precipitation outlook
NOAA via Climate Prediction Center