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A chilly Friday night; frost advisories and freeze warnings

Brief stint of fall weather with warmer temperatures coming

Chilly fri night
Chilly Friday night and Saturday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

One of the chilliest nights in months is in the forecast for Friday night. Freeze warnings and frost advisories are up for northeastern Minnesota. Saturday will be cool, then temperatures warm by Sunday with 80s returning to the forecast for next week.

Cool Saturday

Some of us may be enjoying this weather in our overly sized sweaters, sipping on our pumpkin spiced lattes. And some of us, may not. For those of you not ready to turn in your swimsuits and flip flops, you’ll enjoy the upcoming forecast.

Short-lived cooler air rolls in Friday night and Saturday. Low temperatures Friday night will fall into the low to mid-40s in central and southern Minnesota.

Freeze warnings and frost advisories have been issued for northern Minnesota with temperatures expected to drop well below 40 degrees and nearing the freezing mark in Lake and Cook counties.

Freeze warning and frost advisories
Freeze warning and frost advisories
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Lows for Friday night
Lows for Friday night
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Temperatures on Saturday will warm to the upper 60s and low 70s across the state, with some lower to mid-60s for northeastern portions. Look for fair weather cumulus clouds throughout the day along with light winds.

Highs for Saturday
Highs for Saturday
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

Return of summer

We’re headed for a long stretch of quiet weather and warming temperatures. As our ridge of high pressure moves southeast on Sunday, the return of southerly winds brings 80s back to our forecast.

Temperatures Monday through Wednesday
Temperatures Monday through Wednesday
NOAA, via College of DuPage weather lab

The six to 10-day and eight to 14-day weather trends show a continued pattern of above- average temperatures and below-average precipitation.

6-10 day and 8-14 day temperature and precipitation outlooks
NOAA Climate Prediction Center