Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Change of seasons this weekend; warmer temperatures for Sunday

Fall-like Saturday in the 70s, summer-like Sunday in the 80s

Surface analysis of high pressure system
Surface analysis of high pressure system
NOAA via Pivotal Weather

We woke up Saturday morning to some of the chilliest temperatures since late-May, early June. Our low temperature this morning for the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport was 48 degrees. The last time the Twin Cities was below 50 degrees was May 25th. The northeastern areas had below freezing temperatures. Ely came in at 28 degrees, and Hibbing 30 degrees. Tonight look for temperatures to drop into the upper 40s to low 50s across the state. The metro area will come in around 54 degrees.

Lows for Saturday night
Lows for Saturday night

Change of seasons in one weekend

A pleasant fall-like day ahead for our Saturday as highs climb into the upper 60s to low 70s. Look for light winds and mainly sunny skies. We will see some afternoon cumulus clouds develop.

Highs for Saturday
Highs for Saturday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

A ridge of high pressure over the Upper Midwest will begin to slide southeast towards the Ohio River Valley. On the backside of this high pressure system we will see the return of south-southwesterly winds. These winds will bring in warmer temperatures from the Dakotas.

Surface analysis of high pressure system
Surface analysis of high pressure system
NOAA via Pivotal Weather

High temperatures on Sunday jump back into the upper 70s to lower 80s. Some lower to mid-70s can be expected for northeastern Minnesota. Those south-southwesterly winds will be increasing throughout the day 5-15 mph for central through southern Minnesota. Northern Minnesota will see a more westerly wind 5-10 mph.

Highs for Sunday.
Highs for Sunday.

Prolonged period of a copy/paste forecast

The forecast models indicate that we'll experience a prolonged period of semi-zonal flow aloft. This pattern typically leads to consistent weather conditions, so we can expect much of the same day after day. For the upcoming week, this means we'll see temperatures in the 80s with calm, stable conditions continuing. Until there’s a shift in the atmospheric pattern, anticipate more of the same tranquil, warm weather.

Temperatures Monday through Wednesday
Temperatures Monday through Wednesday
NOAA via College of DuPage Weather