Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Thick wildfire smoke aloft over Minnesota

Air quality on the ground should remain good overall

A white tinted sky
A white-tinted sky is seen above the Weather Lab Tuesday.
Paul Huttner | MPR News

Have you noticed the whitish-tinted sky Tuesday? A massive plume of wildfire smoke from western fires has drifted over Minnesota and turned our land of sky-blue waters to a whiter shade of pale.

The smoke plume is mostly aloft, but it’s enough to dim the sun and create that white tint. The photo at the top of this post also shows a few altocumulus clouds, but the sky in between is whiter than blue.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s GOES-16 visible satellite loop Tuesday shows the smoky smudge drifting over Minnesota from the west. Note the thickest part of the plume working into northwestern Minnesota Tuesday afternoon.

GOES 16 satellite loop
GOES-16 satellite loop Tuesday
NOAA, via College of DuPage weather lab

NOAA’s High-Resolution Rapid Refresh model shows the smoke plumes drifting over Minnesota through Wednesday. The forecast model loop below runs from Tuesday afternoon through 1 p.m. Wednesday.

High-Resolution Rapid Refresh model vertically integrated smoke output through 1 p.m. Wednesday
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

Air quality OK as smoke stays mostly aloft

Most of the smoke will remain several thousand feet above ground level this week. Air quality at the surface where we breathe Tuesday is good to moderate over Minnesota. But note the unhealthy air over parts of the Dakotas.

Air Quality Index
Air quality index Tuesday
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

The forecast calls for mostly good to moderate air quality this week.

Air quality forecast for Minnesota
Air quality forecast for Minnesota Wednesday