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Copy and paste weather: More sun, more above-normal temperatures

Dry weather continues into next week

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Forecast temperature anomalies averaged over the next 7 days
WeatherBELL Analytics

Temperatures remain well above normal and sunshine continues Thursday into the weekend. Dry weather persists into next week as well. 

Warm, sunny and dry weather into next week 

Above-normal temperatures continue Thursday with highs in the low to mid-80s across southern Minnesota. All the way up to International Falls, it is likely to be near 80 degrees Thursday afternoon.

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Forecast highs Thursday
National Weather Service

Today’s highs will be above normal by as much as 10 (southern Minnesota) to 20 degrees (northern Minnesota) and these kind of anomalies will persist into the weekend. 

Forecast temperature anomalies (departure from normal) Thursday
NOAA via WeatherBELL Analytics

In addition, there’s no rain in sight into next week worth speaking about. We’ll get the latest U.S. drought monitor update for Minnesota by Thursday morning and it’s likely to show a persistence or expansion of abnormally dry and drought conditions in the state. 

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Forecast precipitation Thursday into Wednesday
NOAA via pivotal weather

There looks to be at least a brief shot of cooler air for the first two days of October, but temperatures will likely just be slightly below normal and only for a couple days.