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Dress in layers for cool mornings and hot afternoons

Highs for Sunday.
Highs for Sunday.

Even though temperatures are soaring and summer-like this weekend, the humidity is much more reminiscent of fall. And without that moisture in the air, temperatures fall quickly making for cool nights and early mornings.

It always catches me off guard how quickly we go from hot afternoon sun to chilly evening twilight this time of year.

Saturdays lows fall into the low 50s with some upper 40s outside the metro core. So if you’re out early Sunday grab a sweatshirt but you’ll be tossing it aside soon enough as we again head into the 80s.

Monday is another warm day but a late cold front will bring much more seasonal temperatures by Tuesday. We can expect upper 60s and low 70s to take over behind that front.

Even though the temperatures change this coming week, the sky conditions remain clear and blue above. There is no rain in the foreseeable forecast through the upcoming week for the metro and most of the state. 

A few lucky folks in the Arrowhead could see showers late Monday into Tuesday.