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Fall-like mornings and summery afternoons

Forecast high temperatures Saturday
Forecast high temperatures Saturday.

Temperatures continue to soar well into the 80s all weekend long. Although we aren’t near record temperatures today highs are forecast at unseasonably warm levels in the middle 80s.

Saturday’s record high of 91 degrees for the Twin Cities was set all the way back in 1898.

But the key factor that makes today different from July is the humidity. Dry air in place keeps us much less sticky than a couple months ago. Dew points top out in the 50s, rather than the summery 60s and 70s.

The lack of humidity is one reason temperatures have been chilly overnight. Mornings will still feel like the sweatshirt weather of autumn with a low tonight near 50.

The forecast is a repeat tomorrow and Monday, but we do have some changes in store for Tuesday next week.

A cold front pushes through and although it looks to be a dry one without any rain, temperatures do drop to much more seasonal levels.

Averages this time of year sit in the upper 60s and we have that in the forecast for much of next week.

If you are looking for rain, don’t hold your breath. The forecast remains dry through the upcoming week and even next weekend before models hint at the chance for some precipitation.