Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Sunshine and 80s; cold front on Monday

Breezy winds accompany Canadian air mass

Dry weather continues
Dry weather continues

Summer-like temperatures persist for the final days of September. A dry, cold front will bring temperatures down into the 60s on Tuesday, but highs will quickly rebound into the 70s by Wednesday.

Temperatures on Sunday afternoon will rise into the mid to upper 80s for western, central, and southern Minnesota under clear blue skies. Meanwhile, a light lake breeze off Lake Superior will keep the North Shore in the 70s.

Highs for Sunday.
Highs for Sunday.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Cold front on Monday and Wednesday

Two dry cold fronts are expected to move through this week. The first front will arrive on Monday, bringing blustery winds both ahead of and behind it. Winds will gusts over 20-25 mph Monday into Monday night.

Winds Sunday afternoon through Tuesday morning
Winds Sunday afternoon through Tuesday morning
NOAA via Pivotal Weather

On Monday, temperatures in central and southern Minnesota will warm into the mid-80s ahead of the front, while northwestern Minnesota will be cooler, with temperatures in the lower to mid-70s after the front passes.

Highs for Monday.
Highs for Monday.

Brief cool-down; no precipitation chances

Cooler temperatures will briefly settle in behind the front on Monday. High temperatures on Tuesday cool into the lower to mid-60s, but rebound back into the 70s on Wednesday.

Highs Monday through Wednesday
Highs Monday through Wednesday
NOAA via College of DuPage Weather

On Wednesday, another dry cold front will move through the region, though it is expected to be weaker than Monday's. The forecast remains very dry, with no rain-makers on the horizon.

One more record for September?

The calendar is just days away from October, yet the past four weeks have felt strikingly like summer. We have seen multiple records shattered this month, marking it as the driest and warmest September on record.

We could see another record broken for the number of days reaching 80 degrees in September. With Saturday’s high of 87 and Sunday’s potential high of 84, we could tie the record of 18 days at 80 degrees. If temperatures hit the forecasted highs in the 80s on Monday, ahead of the cold front, we could break the record set in 1908.