Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Very warm and breezy Friday with near record-high temperatures Sunday

Light rain is possible Friday into Saturday north

winds FRI
Forecast winds 6 a.m. through 5 p.m. Friday
College of DuPage Weather

It’ll be another very warm and windy day Friday. We’ll see temperatures averaging 15-25 degrees above normal through Monday. Northern Minnesota will see some light rain Friday.  

A very warm weekend with showers north 

Highs Friday afternoon will be even warmer than Thirsday’s low 70s we saw across southern Minnesota. Look for afternoon highs in the mid-70s for southern Minnesota with a bit of a temperature contrast setup to the northwest. It will also be windy again with south winds 10-25 mph with higher gusts.

fri hi 8a
Forecast highs Friday
National Weather Service

That difference in temperatures will help to create some scattered light rain showers for northern Minnesota. Southern Minnesota will barely see a sprinkle.  

fri-sat prec 8a
Forecast simulated radar 7 a.m. Friday through 1 p.m. Saturday
NOAA via pivotal weather

Rainfall looks pretty modest with perhaps one-quarter of an inch in some places in northern Minnesota.

48 hr qpf
Forecast rainfall Friday into Saturday
NOAA via pivotal weather

The front will largely stall out across northern Minnesota, keeping southern Minnesota very warm through at least Monday. Saturday will be just a touch cooler with highs still in the low 70s for southeast Minnesota.

sat hi 8a
Forecast highs Saturday
National Weather Service

The peak of the warmth looks to be Sunday when many places in southern Minnesota could reach a staggering 80 degrees. 

sun hi 8a
Forecast highs Sunday
National Weather Service

80 degrees is just 3 degrees from the record high for Sunday in the Twin Cities and comes ironically on the four year anniversary of the largest snowfall we’ve seen that early in the season: 7.9 inches on October 20, 2020. On average the last 80 in the Twin Cities is October 2nd (since 2000). A century ago, the average last 80 was in late September. This could be the latest 80 in 35 years if we reach it Sunday afternoon.

Temperatures cool back to normal by midweek next week with the chance of some light rain Tuesday into Wednesday. 

wed hi 8a
Forecast highs Wednesday
National Weather Service