
The Olympic equestrian events begin on Saturday in Hong Kong. Becky Holder, of Mendota Heights, will be taking part in three day eventing with her big gray horse Courageous Comet.
A preview of the Beijing Olympics
Sports reporter Jay Weiner is in Beijing, China, covering the Olympics for the 14th time. He joins Midday for an up-close look at the competition -- and the politics -- as the Summer Games begin on Friday.
Olympic preparations
A slideshow of Olympic preparations in Beijing.
Eric Thomas placed second overall in the 2008 Singlehanded TransPacific Yacht Race. He sailed alone from San Francisco Bay to the Hawaiian Island of Kauai, covering more than 2000 miles.
Their field of dreams
Whether it's Little League or the majors, there's nothing like watching a ball game on a warm July evening.
Packers charge Vikings with tampering
The Minnesota Vikings have declined to comment on allegations that they made inappropriate contact with quarterback Brett Favre.
A sportswriter's dreams come true
Sportswriter Stefan Fatsis got a chance to fulfill what is probably a dream for many of his colleagues. He got to play in the NFL.