
Avian influenza deaths in wild birds raise concern about changing virus
Waterfowl carry the avian influenza virus across the country as they migrate, leading to outbreaks in domestic poultry flocks. But this year, the virus is killing more wild birds than past outbreaks. Scientists are trying to understand what that means for the future of this virus.
‘A lot at risk’: Expanded Willmar lab plays key role in tracking bird flu
The Minnesota Poultry Testing Lab is located in Kandiyohi County for a reason. It’s surrounded by chicken and turkey farms that help make Minnesota one of the top poultry producers in the nation.
Avian flu escalates, snares 1 million Minnesota birds
Minnesota animal health officials said Wednesday the latest outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza has now been found in 21 poultry flocks across 11 Minnesota counties. Most are commercial turkey operations.