MPR News with Angela Davis

How to make workplaces inclusive for introverts

In a world that encourages and champions people who are social and outgoing, it can be difficult to be an introvert in the workplace.

Introverts tend to recharge by spending time alone, while extroverts gain energy from being around other people.

This can often be an issue at work where speaking up in meetings, being social and outgoing is championed and strongly encouraged.

Two self-described introverts joined MPR News host Angela Davis to talk about the talents they bring and how workspaces can better accommodate them.

Sequoia Holmes, a social media strategist and writer based in Los Angeles, is often transparent with her managers about why she doesn’t speak up at meetings.

She’s not disinterested. “I don’t feel the need to always speak if I don’t have things to say,” Holmes said.

For Freda Marver, founder and owner of Begin Again Coaching, she suggests that meetings should have an agenda that can be looked at ahead of time.

Very often, introverts will have an idea but by the time they’ve formulated it, the conversation has moved on, Marver said.


Sequoia Holmes, social media strategist and writer based in Los Angeles. She wrote “Black Women aren’t allowed to be introverted” for Bese, a digital news platform by Zoe Saldana.

Freda Marver, founder of a career and life coaching company, Begin Again Coaching.

To learn more about introverts in the workplace, please use the audio player above.

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