MPR News with Angela Davis

Young people are demanding quick, bold action on climate change

Fargo climate strikers make signs
Students from Ben Franklin middle school in Fargo make signs Thursday September 19, 2019 to use when they walk out of class to draw attention to climate change.
Dan Gunderson

Across Minnesota, students left class to take part in a worldwide climate strike to demand government action.

Hundreds were expected to gather on the steps of the State Capitol in St. Paul. But many more are protesting around the state.

MPR News host Angela Davis spoke with several young adults and a parent who are marching in support of the protest. They held their own events in Bemidji, Morris, Winona and Virginia.


Anna Haynes, student at Bemidji State University

Amelia Nelson, student at the University of Minnesota, Morris

Sam Streukens, recent Winona State University graduate

Dawn Trexel, parent from Virginia, Minn.

Paul Huttner, chief meteorologist, MPR News

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