Big Books & Bold Ideas with Kerri Miller

Is America living up to its ideals?

Author Thomas Ricks (left); his latest book, “First Principles.”
Journalist and author Thomas Ricks’ latest book, “First Principles,” examines America’s founding ideals and asks if we’ve lived up to them today.
Book cover courtesy of Harper Colins | Author photo by Alessandro Vulcano

Is this what America is supposed to be?

That question motivated journalist and author Thomas Ricks to return to the country’s Founding Fathers. Dismayed by the divisiveness he saw in our political system, he set out to read the writings of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. 

He also went back further and read what they read: the works of Greek and Roman philosophers who shaped their ideas of government and democracy. He concludes that many of the features that frustrate modern voters — like the gridlock in Washington — are features, not bugs. And he believes the founders did foresee a president like Donald Trump.

Use the audio player above to hear a conversation between host Kerri Miller and Ricks about his new book, “First Principles,” and how looking back at America’s origins can illuminate America’s present.


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