MPR News with Angela Davis

The end of bias: Is it possible?

A black and white portrait of a woman next to the cover of a book.
Author Jessica Nordell and her book "The End of Bias: A Beginning"
Photo by Leslie Plesser

Is it possible to be prejudiced without realizing it? The answer is yes. 

We all absorb biases from the culture around us. Often these unexamined attitudes directly conflict with our values — like fairness and equality.  

Host Angela Davis spoke to author Jessica Nordell about her new book exploring the harm caused by bias, how to recognize it and how to unravel bias in our individual lives and institutions.

white woman with glasses smiling
Margaret Finders
Courtesy photo
Black man with goatee and glasses smiling
Terrance Kwame-Ross
Courtesy photo

Two Augsburg education professors joined the conversation to talk about how they’re addressing the bias baked into professional norms at predominantly white academic institutions.
