Minnesota Now with Nina Moini

Group homes face severe shortage of caregivers for Minnesotans with disabilities

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a staffing crisis in hospitals and long-term care facilities, and that crisis has been covered widely. But the staffing crisis also extends into another part of our society, where it affects some of our most vulnerable citizens.

One in 10 Minnesotans live with some form of disability. Some require support from disability service providers, and some require residential care. According to reporting from the Star Tribune, 44 percent of Minnesotans with disabilities reported living in group homes in 2018. That’s more than twice the national average and the highest rate in the nation.

Due to the disruptions of the pandemic and the “Great Resignation,” group homes are short-staffed, and some may have to resort to extreme measures to care for their residents if the worker shortage continues.

Sue Schettle is CEO of the Association of Residential Resources in Minnesota, a nonprofit that advocates for home- and community-based disability service providers. She recently penned an op-ed in the Star Tribune about the shortage of group home caregivers, and she joined Cathy Wurzer with more.

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