Minnesota Now with Nina Moini

The history of Mount Zion Temple in St. Paul as it turns 165 years old

A man uses a torch to light a menorah.
In this photo from December 2020, Rabbi Adam Stock Spilker lights a menorah during a social distance Hanukkah celebration at Mount Zion Temple in St. Paul. Participants watched the candle lighting over Zoom from their cars before taking part in a car parade down Summit Avenue. The temple turns 165 years old on Saturday.
Christine T. Nguyen | MPR News

Mount Zion Temple in St. Paul turns 165 years old this Saturday. It is the oldest Jewish congregation in the Upper Midwest.

It’s had a few different homes over its history, but the Jewish temple has been on Summit Avenue since 1952.

Host Cathy Wurzer talked with Rabbi Adam Stock Spilker about the temple's history.

Use the audio player above to listen to the full conversation.

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