Minnesota Now with Nina Moini

Minnesota Now: Nov. 27, 2023

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Minnesota could have a competitive race in the third Congressional district next year. Representative Dean Phillips says he won’t run for reelection. We’ll find out who is interested in taking his spot.

Rochester Public Schools is dealing with a hole in its budget. We’ll get the details on plans to close three schools, move others and change start times.

A new year is upon us, which leads many to think about making a change, like a professional one. We’ll talk with an expert about navigating career transitions later in life.

We’ll hear how St. Paul public works is getting ready for winter roads.

Have you ever tried a Taiwanese Hot Dog? How about a Lions Head pork bun? A food blogger in Rochester is celebrating Taiwanese recipes and local food through her new YouTube series.

Use the audio player above to listen to the full conversation.

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