MPR News with Angela Davis

Talking Sense: Skills for disagreeing respectfully across political divides

Bill Doherty speaks
Bill Doherty, co-founder of Braver Angels, moderates an MPR News Talking Sense event hosted by the University of Minnesota Rochester at the Historic Chateau Theatre in Rochester on April 24.
Ken Klotzbach for MPR News

Have you ever had a conversation about politics that grew into a heated argument or maybe the opposite — froze into a chilly silence?  

Or maybe you just avoid talking with people who don’t share your opinions on issues you care deeply about.  

MPR News with Angela Davis shares a conversation that will help you communicate better in a politically polarized time.

On April 24, a group of college students and other community members gathered for a workshop at the Historic Chateau Theatre in Rochester organized by MPR News, the University of Minnesota Rochester and Braver Angels, a nonprofit organization that seeks to restore trust, respect and goodwill in American politics. 

It’s the latest conversation in a series from Talking Sense, an election-year project from MPR News that aims to help Minnesotans have hard political conversations ... better. 

The workshop was led by Braver Angels’ Co-Founder Bill Doherty and participants included conservatives, liberals and independents. Listen back to an edited recording of the live event and learn concrete skills for listening respectfully and sharing your own opinions in a way that another person might hear — even if they disagree.


  • Bill Doherty is co-founder of Braver Angels, a nonprofit that seeks to restore trust, respect and goodwill in American politics. He’s also a professor of family social science at the University of Minnesota.

Mark Thein listens to Naomi Diaz
Mark Thein (left) listens to Naomi Diaz during an MPR News Talking Sense event cohosted with Braver Angels and the University of Minnesota Rochester at the Chateau Theatre in Rochester on April 24.
Ken Klotzbach for MPR News

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Use the audio player above to listen to the full conversation.