Minnesota Now with Cathy Wurzer

State of Democra-Z: Kamala Harris, ‘brat’ and Gen-Z

State of Demmocra-Z with Kamala Harris
Gen Z is taking Kamala Harris' presidential campaign to new heights, making video edits, TikTok's and memes.
Susan Walsh | AP

Vice President Kamala Harris’ first election ad came out Thursday, but it’s mashups and edits that are taking social media by storm.

Harris’ sudden rise as a favorite for the Democratic nomination came just in time for the explosion of Charli XCX’s summer album, “brat.” And at least for now, the memes have allowed the Harris campaign to capture the attention of young, online voters.

We’ve been curious to hear what our Gen-Z voter panel is thinking about all of this. So for the series, State of Democra-Z, we called up Cori Stockard and Maddie Christensen. Cori is an incoming senior at the University of Minnesota and president of the College Democrats. And Maddie Christensen recently graduated from Hamline University, where she had also been a leader with the College Dems.

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