MPR News with Angela Davis

Reimagining local news in Minnesota

If the business model of local news needs an overhaul, what can the journalists who work inside the system do to change it?

Listen to part two in our Report for America conversation about the state of local news. Our first conversation was with local and national philanthropy leaders who want to build new ways for local news to thrive.

People sit and talk on stage with microphones in front of crowd
Panelists at an event hosted by MPR News in partnership with Report for America on July 18 at the Weisman Art Museum in Minneapolis.
Nathan Tisdale | Report for America

This time, the focus is entirely on Minnesota. During an evening event on July 18 at the Weisman Art Museum, host Angela Davis talked with news leaders from across Minnesota about the challenges and opportunities for journalists in the current media landscape.

Together, they highlight the need for fresh business models, for a workforce that better reflects the communities it serves, and for a collaborative, instead of a competitive, approach among Minnesota newsrooms.


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Use the audio player above to listen to the full conversation.