MPR News with Angela Davis

The role of higher education in Minnesota

three women and a man sitting in chairs on a stage
MPR News host Kerri Miller interviews three college presidents at Macalester College, University of St. Thomas and Gustavus Adolphus College.
Courtesy of Joanna Curtis

It’s back to school time. Over the last year, campuses across the U.S. became the center of protests. At some schools, that led to peaceful discourse. Others saw unrest and police intervention.

MPR News host Kerri Miller talked with three higher education leaders at Macalester College. You’ll hear their plans for the new academic year and how they see their role fostering civic-mindedness in their students. 


  • Rebecca Bergman, president of Gustavus Adolphus College

  • Suzanne Rivera, president of Macalester College

  • Rob Vischer, president of the University of St. Thomas

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