Minnesota Now with Nina Moini

Minnesota Now: Jan. 29, 2025

Minnesota Now with Nina Moini
Minnesota Now with Nina Moini

The Nation’s Report Card is out and it is giving us a snapshot of how students are doing in school. In Minnesota, kids still haven’t caught up to pre-pandemic test scores. We talk to a local school district about the results and how they are trying to make progress.

As deportation efforts from the Trump administration have become more public, it has led to rumors about ICE raids and arrests. We hear from a local organization that is trying to stop misinformation.

Plus is spring coming early? Paul Huttner will join us with more on a winter warm-up.

And we are debuting a new segment on Minnesota Now, Out to Lunch! We sit down for a meal with people in the news in hopes of sharing something you haven’t already heard. Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan is our first guest.

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